Tui Family Medicine

04 December 2012 In Existing Patients

1. Picture ID (i.e. driver's license, school ID, military ID, etc.)
2. NEW insurance card(s) if it has changed
3. Co-payment (cash, check, or credit card)
4. Actual bottles, if available, of any NEW medications you are taking since your last visit (preferred) – otherwise a list of new medication(s) with dosage and frequency
5. Hospital follow-up: Please bring any records from the hospital
6. Update your address, phone number, and preferred pharmacy during check-in
7. Give the staff any new medical records/labs that you have and/or forms that need to be completed

(forms are located to the right)

04 December 2012 In New Patients

1. Picture ID (i.e. driver's license, school ID, military ID, etc.)
2. Insurance card(s)
3. Co-payment (cash, check, or credit card)
4. Actual bottles, if available, of the current medications you are taking (preferred) – otherwise a list of current medications with dosage and frequency
5. Children's visits: Please bring immunization records
6. Hospital follow-up: Please bring any records from the hospital
7. Filled out patient forms from our website (located to the right)